• Cast a Stone Moldavite Collection: The Gemstone that Fell to Earth!

    Moldavite Collection

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  • Cast a Stone: Congo Malachite Natural Crystal Skull Large 5"

    Gemstone Crystal Skulls

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  • Rose Quartz is the gemstone that resonates the most with love; in all its forms. When you work with rose quartz you are connected to all forms of love that exist within the Universe. These dice are awesome.

    Gemstone Gaming Dice

  • Rings

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  • Good Vibes
  • Rose Quartz Crystal Soy Candle

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  • Patchouli Essential Oil

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    Patchouli Essential Oil

    Patchouli has a warm, mellow, earthy scent that was especially popular in the 1960’s. It is an effective anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant and stress reliever. It has a sedative effect when used in small quantities

    USES: Patchouli helps to tighten the pores of the skin and is used to combat wrinkles. It regulates oily skin and dandruff and mobilizes cellulite for elimination. When used in a diffuser, patchouli helps to break up mucous and helps to reduce fever. Patchouli is also used for the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, sores and burns. Patchouli is a popular oil for bath and skincare. 1/2 Fluid Ounces.

    Try blending with: sandalwood, cedarwood, orange, rose, geranium and other floral essential oils.