``` ``` Hecate Triple Goddess Statue - Cast a Stone
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Hecate Triple Goddess Statue

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Beautifully detailed statue of the Goddess Hecate - goddess of the three paths, goddess of witchcraft, guardian of the household, protector of the newly born.

Here she is depicted standing on a crossroads with her torch, key, the snake of regeneration and renewal, anathme, and birthing knife. Very rich in detail and symbolism.

Made of hand-finished marble-colored resin, this statue measures 11.5 inches high.

Hecate, a divinity of the Underworld and companion of Persephone, is called the queen of the night and the Goddess of the Crossroads; her three faces are turned towards as many directions, and her name was shrieked at night at the cross-roads of cities.

She is often seen bearing torches, and it is with them that she killed Clytius in the course of the Gigantomachy.

Hecate is regarded as supreme, both in Heaven and in the Underworld, and it is said that Zeus calls upon her whenever any man on earth offers sacrifices, and prays for favor.

11.5 inches High
8 inches x 4 3/4 inch Base
8 inches across at the widest point

White Marble Colored Finish
Material: Hand finished Resin