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  • The Rose of Jericho Flower


    The Rose of Jericho Flower

    • Price is for 1 flower

    The Rose of Jericho goes from seeming death to life so magically, that it’s not surprising to discover that it is believed to have magical qualities. Believers in Hoodoo say that this plant will bring you prosperity if you add five coins to the water you use to make it unfurl. They leave the plant in the water for a few days before brushing the water onto windows and doors to let prosperity in.

    In spiritual practices, its believed to have these properties/spiritual energy:

    ~ Brings Peace, prosperity & abundance to your home or business

    ~ protects against illness and all types of negative energies & vibrations

    ~ some people like to use the water as a type of holy water to bless people and/or objects

    When you purchase the Rose of Jericho, its in the same manner as you treat your crystals.  Obviously, this grows so you want to make sure you have a bowl large enough.  Just something that resonates with you.  Keep in mind they open up quite wide at times. 

    ~ Hold the plant in your hand for a few minutes before placing it in the bowl of choice, take a few minutes to feel the energy coming from the plant.  Use the modality you like working with best whether it be in prayer or meditation, give affirmations to the spirit of the Rose of Jericho.  After you use the modality of choice place it in your special bowl. 

    ~ Add water, you can use holy water, river water, spring water, etc. out in the full moon for “moon water”  I would not recommend salt water, not sure what the exact effects would be but if the plant is already dry, why add salt?  *If you use warm water the transition is much faster. 

    ~ Light a special candle near the plant (any type/size of candle is perfect (go with your intuition) be mindful of the plant & candle being too close to one another. 

    ~ Do not leave the plant in water for longer than one week in a row. 

    ~ Depending on what you are looking for place item(s) in your Rose of Jericho, I chose abundance, therefore I placed some coins & a citrine crystal on her.  If its love your looking for perhaps a crystal heart rose quartz, if its health perhaps a Fluorite of you healthy, think of it the way you think of doing grid work with crystals. 

    ~ Give your rose of Jericho time (for at least 2 weeks) to dry out again. 


    ~ Sprinkle the water around your house/business/car for a generalized blessing and/or good fortune.

    ~ sprinkle on the back of your door for added protection use a sigil of your choice (ex. make a sign of the cross on the back of the door)

    ~ wash your floor or add to your bath water for money drawing & abundance work

    ~ Use as your very own “holy water” to keep out evil spirits & unwanted energies; add to a spray bottle and spray around the house or wherever you are looking to accomplish this task

    ~ Bless your jewelry

    *** there are so many stories and beliefs on the Rose of Jericho, as I say with everything, research & in the end go with your instinct & what resonates with you!!!

    Enjoy and please tell me your experiences with this pretty cool plant!!!