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  • Kundalini & the Chakras by Genevieve Paulson

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    Kundalini & the Chakras - Evolution in this Lifetime

    If you've heard about kundalini, chances are you've heard that it moves through the chakras and can bring healing and even enlightenment. But what exactly is kundalini? What are the chakras? How do they work together? Why should you do this? How can you manifest this energy in your life? 

    The answers, along with many surprises, are revealed in Kundalini and the Chakras by Genevieve Lewis Paulson. It is your birthright to evolve, develop, and become a superperson. Life's simplest problems may have imbalanced or blocked kundalini flow at their root. The more you know about kundalini, the more choices you have. 

    This book is a complete course in the chakras and the kundalini energy. The chakras are vortices through which energy flows both in and out of the body. Most people have heard that there are six (in some systems seven or eight) chakras. Here, Paulson reveals that there are actually hundreds of chakras located all over the body. For example, the hands and feet alone contain twenty chakras: one at the tip of each finger and toe. These allow you to work with healing energies and perceive energies around you. If they are too open, you will be drained of energy. If they are blocked you may become angry and it can even affect the physical health of the hands and feet. 

    The book gives clear instructions on working with the chakras. You will learn how to cleanse and open them with simple, practical exercises. You will also learn the secrets of stimulating kundalini energy flow through the chakras using simple toning of sounds. 

    To determine how successful you are, the book reveals a totally unique way of detecting and measuring the energies in the chakras. By seeing which chakras are appropriately open, and which are too open or blocked, you can actually give an entire personality reading! By comparing the readings over time, you can see how the person is spiritually evolving. 

    You will also discover the secrets of companion chakras which are on either side of the main chakras and have a lower flow of energy. The book reveals that you have three sexual energy chakras between the navel and the pubic bone with companions on either side. What they are for and how you can use them is explained here. 

    Also covered in the book are the seven eyes, the seven heart chakras, the rings of chakras at the top of the head and on the heels of the feet, the chakras on the shoulder blades, knees, elbows, and more. You'll also see how working with he chakras can improve your relationships with others. 

    If you have been working with the usual group of chakras, this book will open you up to new possibilities and potentials. It is filled with exercises and techniques you can use in conjunction with what you know already or with the secrets revealed here. 

    If you are new to the concepts of kundalini and the chakras, this book is a blessing. It provides detailed instructions for initiating preliminary system-cleansing in preparation for release. Because kundalini energy is sometimes so potent that its "human module" finds it difficult to function in daily routine and commitments, the author provides methods for moderating its release.

    Trade Paperback | English  |  230 pages | 6 x 9 x 1 IN | 6"x9", 17 illus.