• Cast a Stone Moldavite Collection: The Gemstone that Fell to Earth!

    Moldavite Collection

  • Polished Gemstone Spheres, Pyramids, Points, Gemstone Bowls, Gemstone Hearts, Gemstone Figurines and more!
  • Cast a Stone: Congo Malachite Natural Crystal Skull Large 5"

    Gemstone Crystal Skulls

  • Gemstone Pipe Collection

  • Rose Quartz is the gemstone that resonates the most with love; in all its forms. When you work with rose quartz you are connected to all forms of love that exist within the Universe. These dice are awesome.

    Gemstone Gaming Dice

  • Rings

  • Pendants

  • Bracelets and Malas

  • Earrings

  • Beachstone & Seaglass Jewelry

  • Books & Tarot Decks
  • Good Vibes
  • Rose Quartz Crystal Soy Candle

  • Hand-wrapped Floral Smudge

  • Collectibles & More
  • Numerology Oracle by Rosemaree Templeton

    1 item left
    [Rockpool Publishing] All things, living and nonliving, vibrate to their own energy. Learn to understand the vibrational power of numbers to understand strengths and weaknesses, and those of others, and how best to take advantage of circumstances, favourable and unfavourable, that will occur during our lives. Each being is aligned with the energy of a particular number, and this is how we are able to discern the interconnectedness of all things and see how everything that exists is connected to the same energy. This simple to use 36-card deck by RoseMaree Templeton includes not only the power of numbers but also five ascended master cards, five archangel cards, and more. By including these with wonderful illustrations, RoseMaree has created the ultimate tool for divination. These cards provide great universal wisdom to help answer your questions and guide you in your path. When using these cards, focusing quietly on your question, your energy will vibrate to the chosen cards and